In 2020, our lives took a dramatic turn, and so did our definition of "work attire." Suddenly, we found ourselves being ‘Zoom ready’ by donning impressive tops while secretly rocking the comfort of pajama bottoms. The line between office wear and loungewear blurred, giving rise to a fabulous fashion trend: Working From Home (WFH) fashion. But how does work from home style impact our performance, mood, and ability to show up? Let’s explore two key areas: Confidence and Productivity.

The Psychology of Dressing Up

Even if you're just steps away from your couch, what you wear can have a profound impact on your mindset. Dressing up for work, even in your home office or at the kitchen table, signals to your brain that it's time to buckle down and be productive. Here’s the best news: WFH fashion is all about setting yourself up for success, not impressing others.

“Dress for success” and “Dress for the job you want” are sayings we’ve all heard, but what does it actually mean? In a study by Northwestern University, they discovered that our attire can deeply influence our mental state and productivity, a concept known as "enclothed cognition." Our minds establish connections with the clothes we wear, directly affecting our confidence levels, attention spans, and abstract reasoning skills. For example, wearing a lab coat often signifies intellect and logical thinking. Surprisingly, the study found that wearing a lab coat could actually enhance an individual's performance.

This just shows that the power of thoughtful wardrobe selection is real. When you wear that power outfit to your interview, you’re signaling to your brain that you’re important, valuable, and in boss mode. Putting on a athletic wear for the gym signals you’re ready to sweat and move. But when you’re working from home in pajamas, your brain is all sorts of confused.

A woman wearing a bow and working from home

What is Work From Home Dress Code

As we embrace the hybrid work model, we're navigating a unique style where comfort meets professionalism. It's a style that says, "Yes, I'm at home, but I'm also a professional ready to conquer the world."

No this doesn’t mean you need to wear business casual every day, but maybe create a rule of thumb for yourself. Would you go to a cozy coffee shop in this outfit? If your boss showed up at your door, would you be confident greeting them without frantically running around the house? Is this something you’d wear to the office on a casual Friday?

Whether it's a pair of jeans matched with a chic top or comfy shorts paired with a cool t-shirt, planning your outfit in advance can make all the difference in your confidence and performance. The key is to choose an outfit that boosts your morale and brings tranquility as you conquer your daily tasks.

We get it, shopping for clothes and coordinating these confidence boosting outfits is a full-time job in itself. This is precisely what Farloe is all about: making your life easier with curated shopping recommendations based on your lifestyle. Check it out and request early access for more personalized picks. In the meantime, check out some staple items we think you’ll love.

5 Pieces We Think You’ll Love

As your digital personal shopper and stylist, Farloe believes everyone deserves to feel their best without stressing over their daily outfit choices.

To help you blend the cozy appeal of your favorite pajamas with the polished look of a boss, we've curated the top 5 essential items that will effortlessly elevate any work-from-home wardrobe:

  1. Basic Tank Tops: Find a brand or style of basic tank tops that you love. Stock up on different colors and patterns. They are versatile, easy to layer, and can be effortlessly styled with any bottom to create a stylish and comfortable outfit.
  2. Modern Trouser Pants: These pants strike the perfect balance between professional and comfortable. With their loose fit, they give you the cozy feel of pajama pants while exuding a polished, put-together look. They’re totally in and a classic silhouette that will never go out of style. Not a trouser pant person? Swap this out for a comfy linen pant.
  3. Oversized button down shirt: Adding a third layer, such as a blazer or cropped jacket, is like adding the perfect bow to a present when you're in the office. But when you're working from home, an oversized button down can do the trick in the most comfy way.
  4. Jumpsuit: Embrace the ultimate comfort with a stylish free flowing jumpsuit. It's the epitome of effortless chic, providing the ease of a one-and-done outfit while still looking put together and ready for anything. Add the oversized button up or cropped jacket to spruce it up for meetings.
  5. Chunky Small Hoop Earrings: Don't underestimate the power of earrings! Adding a pair of chunky small hoop earrings instantly elevates your appearance and makes you look ten times more "put together" on camera during those important Zoom meetings.


By incorporating these five essential items into your work-from-home wardrobe, you'll have the perfect foundation for a stylish and comfortable ensemble. Remember, work-from-home fashion is all about finding the balance between comfort and professionalism, so you can conquer your tasks with confidence and flair!

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